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Sharing the Road

Sharing the Road

The Highway Code has been updated to include 3 new rules about the “Hierarchy of Road Users”

It is important that all road users.

  • Are aware of the “The Highway Code”

  • Are considerate to other road users

  • Understand their responsibility for the safety of others

The 3 new rules are numbered H1, H2 and H3. For more information visit The Highway Code, road safety and vehicle rules.

Click Here for The Highway Code

Cyclists & Motorcyclists

Cyclists and motorcyclists have an equal right to use the roads along with motorists. THINK BIKE – make scanning for cyclists and motorcyclists second nature, particularly when turning at junctions. Give cyclists and motorcyclists plenty of space when passing them. Cyclists may need to take a central position in the lane to avoid hazards such as potholes. Be prepared to be patient if you can’t overtake them for a while. Check your mirror before opening your door, a car door opening by surprise can be deadly to a cyclist. The Highway Code now recommends a new technique when leaving vehicles. It is sometimes called the “Dutch Reach”.

Young Driver demonstrating Dutch Reach

Large and Heavy Goods Vehicles

These may need extra road space to turn or to deal with a hazard that you are not able to see. Pull back to increase the space between yourself and large vehicles and be prepared to stop and wait if they need to manoeuvre. Be aware that the drivers may be unable to see you in their mirrors.

Emergency Vehicles

Look and listen for ambulances, fire engines, police cars and other emergency vehicles. When one approaches don’t panic but indicate and pull over to let it pass without endangering yourself.


There is a risk of pedestrians, especially children, stepping unexpectedly into the road. Children and older pedestrians may not be able to judge how fast you are going, so slower your speed in all built up areas. The Highway Code has made several changes to Pedestrians, this includes when people are crossing or waiting to cross at a junction, other traffic should give way.

Considerate Parking

Parking fines can be costly and inconsiderate parking can be just as dangerous as bad driving. Make sure you always park legally, using off street parking areas where possible. If you need to park on the roadside, make sure you are facing the same way as the traffic flow and as close to the kerb or side of the road as possible. When using an Electric Vehicle, park close to the charge point and avoid creating a trip hazard for people walking around your vehicle, display a warning sign if you can. Return charging cables and connectors neatly to minimise the danger to other people and avoid creating an obstacle for other road users.