Managing Risk

Horizon scanning helps GMFRS to consider the external influences and impacts on our Service and the action we must take. Our annual PESTLE and Strategic Assessment of Risk documents capture this information and are used to inform the development of both the Fire Plan and Annual Delivery Plans, which collectively set out the strategic direction of GMFRS and assist with the development of our supporting action plans.

Corporate Risk Management is an integral part of our day-to-day operations and management of our organisation. A robust risk management process assists in safeguarding our assets and reputation to deliver our strategic objectives and ambitions.

We carry out assurance activities to ensure we are delivering high quality services whilst spending money as effectively as possible. Our Annual Statement of Assurance summarises our assurance documents covering all aspects of service delivery: response; prevention and protection; business continuity; financial; governance; performance management and external assessment.

PESTLE (MS Word, 371KB)

Strategic Assessment of Risk (MS Word, 24KB)

Annual Assurance Declaration (PDF, 748KB)

National Framework Compliance