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Water Safety

Respect the water this summer

  • 236 people accidentally drowned in the UK in 2023. Don’t become a statistic, stay safe around water.
  • Jumping into open water can be fatal. Cold water shock kills and you don’t know what’s lurking beneath the surface.
  • If you encourage your mates to go in the water it could be the last time you see them.
  • If you get into difficulty in the water, float to live (external website).
  • If you see someone in difficulty in the water remember ‘call, tell, throw’:
    • Call 999 and ask for fire if inland or the coastguard if by the sea.
    • Tell the struggling person to try to float on their back.
    • Throw them something that floats.
  • Look out for hazards around water and stick to proper pathways.
  • Take any warning or safety signs seriously.

Film: Dangers of water

Watch the film below featuring Watch Manager, Simon Dowling talking about the dangers of water and reminding us how to stay safe.

More water safety advice (internal website)

Water safety activities and resources

Royal Life Saving Society (external website)

Canal and River Trust (external website)

Water safety game

Recommended for children aged 5-8 – can you spot the hazards in the game below?

Water Safety Game (HTML Web Game)

Water safety game