Safe4Summer is an annual partnership campaign which takes place over the summer months (launched June 2024) – involving Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, Greater Manchester Police (external link), Greater Manchester Combined Authority (external link), local councils, plus others – with the ultimate aim to keep young people safe.
This includes direct engagement with young people and providing information to parents and carers. The campaign also promotes and puts emphasis on social responsibility.
Our partnership work aims to protect young people in Greater Manchester through education and by encouraging young people to keep themselves safe.
Following the evaluation of last year’s summer campaign, we will focus on:
Reducing incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB) (internal link), by focusing targeted partnership work in hotspot areas and offering young people in Greater Manchester the opportunity to experience fun and exciting activities in their local areas (internal link)
Reassuring local communities to report ASB and demonstrate through our work that the partnership is committed to working together to tackle anti-social behaviour
Encouraging people to take responsibility for their actions and assist with education around summer safety messages
Sharing information about the consequences of ASB (internal link)
Keeping our communities, including young people, safe around water and educate them about water safety (internal link)
Reducing incidents of deliberately set fires (internal link) and the number of hoax calls to emergency services