Child Seat Safety

What you need to know about Child Car Seats

Using a child car seat or booster seat

  • Children must normally use a child car seat until they're 12 Years Old or 135 centimetres tall, whichever comes first

  • Children over 12 or more than 135cm tall must wear a seat belt

  • You can choose a child car seat based on your child's height or weight

To learn more about when your child can travel without a Car Seat visit GOV.UK for further advice on using Taxis, Mini Cabs etc (external website)

Height Based Seats

  • Height based seats are known as i-Size Seats. They must be rear facing until your child is over 15 Months Old

  • Your child can use a forward-facing child seat when they are over 15 Months Old

  • You must check the seat to make sure it's suitable for the height of your child

  • Only EU approved height based child car seats can be used in the UK

  • These have a label showing a capital"E" in a circle and "R129"

Weight Based Seats

The seat your child can use and the way they must be restrained, depends on their weight. Only EU approved weight based child seats can be used in the UK. These have a label showing a capital "E" in a circle and "ECE R44".

You may choose from more than one type of seat in the group for your child's weight.

Good Egg

For more information on choosing the right seat, visit The Good Egg Guide (external website)

The Good Egg Guide offer FREE Car Seat checking events across the UK, click here for more information (external website)