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Support for High Rise Residents

The Greater Manchester High Rise Taskforce was set up to support high rise residents, ensure buildings are safe and that Greater Manchester can respond effectively to a high rise incident. 

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service has carried out proactive inspections of all high rise residential premises to ensure all buildings comply with fire safety regulations and people feel safe in their homes. We continue to work with local authorities and housing providers, in the public and private sector, to reassure residents living in high rises across Greater Manchester and ensure the short and long term safety of high rise buildings.

Please note, the taskforce was re-named 'High Rise and Building Safety Taskforce' in 2021.

Updates for residents:

06/04/2020 - Update for High Rise Residents COVID-19 (PDF, 421KB)

It is important for your safety that you understand what to do in the event of a fire, whether it’s in your flat or somewhere else in the building.

Flat fire safety advice