
Firefighters tackle woodland fire in Oldham

12pm, 11 July update

Fire crews from Oldham fire station re-visited the scene at 7am this morning and found the area to still be safe. 

10.00pm 10 July update

After working throughout the evening, firefighters have now extinguished the fire and dampened down the area to make the scene safe.

For information on staying safe whilst out in the countryside, please visit our countryside safety webpage.

9.00pm 10 July update

Firefighters are tackling a woodland fire in Oldham.

North West Fire Control received a number of calls just before 7pm on Sunday 10 July to reports of a fire in an area of woodland close to Yeoman Hey Reservoir.

Fire crews from Oldham, Stalybridge, Ashton, and Bolton North fire stations were quickly mobilised and are using hose reels and specialist wildfire equipment to tackle the fire.

Article Published: 10/07/2022 21:14 PM