Caring for Smokers

Smoking and Fire Safety

Smoking is the top cause of accidental fire deaths in Greater Manchester and nationally. Fires started by smoking materials can smoulder and go unnoticed at first.

People who smoke and have health or social care needs, such as impaired mobility, memory/cognitive problems or substance misuse problems, are more at risk of having a smoking-related fire and less likely to escape safely if a fire starts. People who use medical oxygen, emollient creams/products or air-filled pressure relieving devices should be advised not to smoke at all whilst using these.

Talk to the person you are providing care for about the risks relating to smoking and provide them with the associated fire safety advice.

Visit the smoking safety page for fire safety advice and information on quitting and smoke free homes.

Further support and advice

The following organisations are also available for advice and support

The Silver Line is a confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK open every day and night of the year. Their specially trained helpline staff offer information, friendship and advice.