Countryside Safety
Every year fire destroys thousands of acres of countryside and wildlife habitats - such as the moorland fires in Greater Manchester and surrounding areas in summer 2018. Some fires are started deliberately, but many are due to carelessness.
While out enjoying the countryside or moors:
Never take a barbecue on the moors or to the countryside - it poses a huge risk of fire, is a risk to the environment and ties up our firefighters who may be needed for other serious incidents
Always extinguish your cigarette and any other smoking materials properly. Never throw your cigarette butt out of your car window - it could ruin whole fields of crops
Don't leave bottles or glass in woodlands. Sunlight shining through the glass can start large fires. Take them home or put them in the waste or recycling bin
Never start a fire of any kind - it may seem a good idea at the time, but a fire in the open can easily get out of control
Keep children away from matches, cigarettes and open fires
If you see a fire in the countryside, report it immediately. Leave the area as soon as possible and dial 999
Anonymously report deliberate firesetting to FireStoppers (internal webpage) or call 0800 169 5558