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Carbon Monoxide

We recommended placing a carbon monoxide alarm in rooms where you have a fixed combustion appliance (such as a gas fire, gas boiler, log burner or open fireplace).

Carbon monoxide is a silent killer which leads to 50 deaths every year, but you can prevent it by making sure gas and fuel appliances are properly installed, taking care burning fuels like wood and coal and installing an audible carbon monoxide alarm that meets European Standard EN 50291.

Carbon monoxide is released when a carbon-containing fuel such as gas, oil, coal, coke, petrol or wood, does not burn fully because not enough air is available.

How can you keep safe in your home?

  • Have appliances checked every year by a gas safe registered engineer

  • Have chimneys swept every year if you have a log burner or open fire

  • Buy and install an audible CO alarm online or from DIY shops

What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?

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The six main symptoms

  1. Headaches
  2. Dizziness
  3. Nausea
  4. Breathlessness
  5. Collapse
  6. Loss of consciousness

Being aware of the symptoms can save your life:

  • CO symptoms are similar to flu, food poisoning, viral infections and simply tiredness
  • Symptoms will occur when you are at home
  • Symptoms will disappear or get better when you leave home and come back when you return home
  • Others in your households are experiencing symptoms (including pets) and they appear at a similar time.

What to do if you experience symptoms:

  • Go to fresh air immediately - open doors and windows
  • Turn off gas appliances and leave the house
  • See your Doctor immediately or go to hospital - let them know that you think it could be Carbon Monoxide poisoning
  • If you think there is an immediate danger, call the Gas Emergency Helpline on 0800 111 999
  • Get a Gas Safe registered engineer to inspect your gas appliances and flues to see if there is a dangerous problem - they can be contacted on 0800 408 5500.

The majority of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning are due to faulty combustion heating and cooking appliances.