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Stay Focused Drive Safe

Between 2020 and 2022 there were 122 road casualties across our motorway network in Greater Manchester.

Our firefighters attend Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs) whenever someone is trapped in a vehicle, there is a vehicle fire or there is a requirement to help make an area safe, and we now rescue more people from RTCs than we do from fires.

Our Stay Focused Drive Safe campaign aims to reduce the number of RTCs across Greater Manchester by highlighting the dangers associated with driving on motorways and encouraging safe practice. The majority of traffic across Greater Manchester is seen on the city-region’s motorway network. Therefore, it is vital that we continually educate and raise awareness about motorway safety and wider road safety. 

The key messages for the campaign are:

  • Don't hold or use a phone, sat nav, or any device while driving
  • Don't drink and drive 
  • Always wear a seatbelt when driving and ensure all passengers do too
  • Keep to the speed limit and be alert when driving on a smart motorway
  • Stay focused when driving and avoid distractions
  • Remember the 2 second rule
  • Raise awareness about the potential impacts of dangerous motorway driving

Visit our road safety webpage

Social media toolkit for partners

Social media pack (2,846KB)

Social media assets (9,224KB)