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Road Safety Week 2023

Individuals who have lost loved ones in road crashes across the North West have shared their heartbreaking stories to raise awareness of the dangers of driving for Brake’s Road Safety Week (19-25 November 2023).

In 2022, 64 people were killed on roads across Greater Manchester and over the past decade there has been 133 deaths related to young drivers in our city-region.

Most serious road crashes are caused by the ‘Fatal 4’ - when drivers speed, get distracted, drive under the influence of drink or drugs, or they or their passengers fail to wear a seatbelt.

To raise awareness of the ‘Fatal 4’, and the devastating consequences of dangerous driving, a series of videos have been created with Calvin Buckley, Paula Allen, Mike Peters and Ann Marie Hornsby - all of whom have lost loved ones in road crashes.

Social media toolkit for partners

Social media toolkit (docx, 58KB)

Social media MP4 files (WeTransfer link) 

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