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Your feedback

As a public service, we need to continually look at how we work and how we can improve what we do. We think that a big part of this is getting feedback from those we come into contact with. Whether that’s because of a fire related incident at your home or business or you’ve received a Home Fire Safety Assessment or Fire Safety Inspection.

We have different feedback forms depending on your engagement with Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. Please take the time to complete the relevant form below:

Domestic Fire Incident Feedback

If you recently came into contact with us when you had an incident at your home address. Please take the time to complete the following survey: 

Domestic Fire Incident Feedback (

Non-domestic Fire Incident Feedback

If you recently came into contact with us when you had an incident at your premises. Please take the time to complete the following survey: 

Non-Domestic Fire Incident Feedback (

Home Fire Safety Assessment (HFSA) Feedback

If you recently came into contact with us when you had a Home Fire Safety Assessment (HFSA) at your home. Please take the time to complete the following survey: 

HFSA Feedback (

Fire Safety Assessment Feedback

If you recently came into contact with us when you had a Fire Safety Inspection at your premises. Please take the time to complete the following survey: 

Fire Safety Inspection Feedback (