Publication Scheme
See also:
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Publication Scheme (external website)
Publication Scheme for Police and Crime (external website)
Publication Scheme for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
Some sections on this page are currently under review pending revision.
The Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) is committed to open government and the proactive release of the information it holds under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
What Is A Publication Scheme?
Every public authority subject to the Freedom of Information Act is required to adopt and maintain a publication scheme setting out what information will routinely be made available, how the information can be accessed and whether or not the information is free of charge. The idea of a publication scheme is to try and make sure as much information as possible is freely available and easy to access so you do not need to make a specific request.
GMFRS has adopted the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO’s) model publication scheme. The scheme consists of information already published and held by the organisation or information which is to be published in the future. All information in our publication scheme is either available for you on our website to download and print off, or is available in traditional document form. Information within the publication scheme will be available either free, or at a charge.
Some information may not be made available when:
- we do not hold the information
- the information is exempt from disclosure
- we cannot easily access the information
What Classes Of Information Do We Publish?
The ICO’s model publication scheme identifies classes of information, which are as follows:
- Who we are and what we do
- What we spend and how we spend it
- What our priorities are and how we are doing
- How we make decisions (Under Review)
- Our policies and procedures (Some Policies Are Under Review)
- The services we offer
- Lists and registers (Under Review)
GMFRS is required to specify the information which it holds and which falls within those categories of information and has produced a simple guide which lists the specific information it publishes within each of the above classes.
The Publication Scheme is divided into sections based on the classes of information.
Who We Are
- The Mayor
- Senior Management Team/Organisation Chart
- Staff structure (Under review)
- Member of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- Our Partners
- Your Councillors for GMCA
- Site Map
What We Do
- Geographical area of operation
- General outline of responsibilities
- Relationship with other authorities
- Contact us
What We Spend And How We Spend It
- GMCA Revenue and Capital Budgets
- GMCA Annual Statement of Accounts
- Financial audit reports
- Staff pay and grading structure
- Expenses paid to or incurred by Senior Officers (Under Review)
- Procurement procedures (Currently being updated)
- List of contract and value
- Internal financial regulations and delegated authority (Under Review)
- Operational Fleet
- List of expenditure over £500
What Our Priorities Are And How We Are Doing
- GMCA Corporate Plan 2022-2025
- Greater Manchester Strategy 2021 - 2031
- GMFRS Fire Plan
- Annual Delivery Plan - includes Statistical information, Our priorities & How we spend our money
- GMFRS Reports by external inspectors
- High Rise cladding information
How We Make Decisions
- GMCA - Schedule of meetings open to the public
- GMCA - Agendas and approved minutes for GMFRS
- Background papers for meetings open to the public (Under Review)
- Facts and analyses of facts used for decision making (Under Review)
- Public consultations
Our Policies And Procedures
- Conduct of authority business
- Provision of services
- Employment of staff
- Customer Services
- Internal instructions, manuals and guidelines (Under Review)
- Records Management and personal data (Under Review)
- Pay Policy & Procedure
- Charging regimes (Under Review)
- Compliments and Complaints
- Guide for dealing with Freedom of Information Requests
- Privacy policy and data protection - Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- Website Privacy Policy
The Services We Offer
- Information about the provision of the authority’s services
- Guide for dealing with FOI requests (external website)
- Subject Access Request (external website)
- Regulatory responsibilities and procedures (Under Review)
- Media releases
- Fire Service reports on major incidents (Under Review)
Lists And Registers
This section is under review.