Winter Safety
As the county shivers in the grip of snow here are a few simple steps to keep you safe during this chilly spell.
Prevent a fire starting in your home
A smoke alarm is the single most important piece of safety equipment in any home - make sure you have a working smoke alarm and test it regularly
Never smoke in a chair if you think you may doze off, never smoke in bed. Don't smoke if you have taken prescription drugs or have been drinking alcohol
Do not leave a lit cigarette, pipe or candle unattended
Use deep ashtrays so that cigarettes can not roll out, and don't throw hot ash into a waste paper basket
Keep matches and lighters well out of the reach of children
Sit at least three feet away from heaters
Never put a heater near clothes or furnishings
Don't overload electrical sockets
Never leave a room where a candle is burning. Only use them in a suitable container, away from flammable surfaces and curtains and make sure they are completely extinguished when you put them out.
Safety tips before going to bed
Interior doors should always be closed when going to bed as they can dramatically reduce the spread of fire
Make sure the cooker and heaters are turned off
Switch off and unplug all electrical appliances except those that are meant to stay on, like a fridge
Rake out open fires and put a fire guard in place
Empty ashtrays, making sure the contents are cold
Ensure you have access to a phone
Always turn under blankets off when you get into bed and never use an electric blanket and hot water bottle together
Have your electric blankets checked by an expert at least every three years