Additional Advice for People with Reduced Mobility

Below is some additional advice on smoke and heat alarms, for people with reduced mobility.

  • If you are unable to test your alarms, consider whether a family member, friend or carer can test them for you.
  • If you use a mobility aid, such as a walking stick or frame, keep it close at hand in case you need it to aid your escape if your alarms sound.
  • If you would be unable to respond in the event of a fire, or if your alarm is activated, ensure you have a suitable plan in place to aid escape.
  • This could include installing assistive technology, such as a monitoring or telecare system, connected to your smoke/heat detection, that will send an automatic alert to a call centre if it is activated. Alternatively, a telecare system such as a pendant device, worn around the neck, or a bracelet device which you can press to alert a contact centre that assistance is required. Contact Social Services to find out if they can provide you with assistive technology solutions that meet your needs.