Whether you're using your candles to scent and decorate or as a religious symbol, these popular home accessories can be dangerous so reduce your risk of causing a fire by checking out our recommendations.
Never leave a candle unattended and remember to extinguish it before you go to sleep
Make sure the candle is standing up straight and is firmly fixed in a proper holder so it can't fall over. Scented candles turn to liquid in order to release their fragrance, so always burn them in a suitable glass or metal container that will not leak the liquid and can withstand the heat from it
Always place candles on a heat resistant surface. Nightlights and tealights can melt plastic surfaces, such as the top of the TV and the side of a bath tub
Keep candles out of draughts, blowing curtains and sources of heat or direct sunlight
Always leave at least 10cm (four inches) between two candles and never place them under shelves or other surfaces
Extinguish candles before they burn into holders
Burn all candles well out of reach of children and pets
Always put candles out before you move them. Using a 'snuffer' or a spoon is safer than blowing them out, which can send sparks and hot wax flying
Consider an extra smoke alarm in the rooms where you burn candles
NEVER use outdoor candles indoors
NEVER lean across a candle - you could set your hair or clothes on fire
NEVER play with candles