Fireworks Safety
If you're planning on hosting a fireworks party, be safe, not sorry and keep it free from accidents by following the fireworks code.
The Fireworks Code
Fireworks should not be sold to any person under the age of 18
Ideally attend an organised display
Buy Fireworks with a CE marking
Keep fireworks in a closed metal box
Follow the instructions on each firework
Light them at arm's length using a taper
Stand well back
Never go back to a lit firework
Never put fireworks in your pocket
Keep a bucket of water nearby if you are setting off fireworks in your garden
Never throw fireworks
Keep pets indoors
Alcohol and fireworks do not mix and may lead to injury
Other safety tips
Buy fireworks from a reputable retailer
Always supervise children around fireworks
Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves
Never give sparklers to a child under 5
Keep pets indoors
Prepare for the party in advance and in daylight. On the night, you will need a torch, a bucket of water, eye protection and gloves, a bucket of soft earth to put fireworks in and suitable supports and launchers if you're setting off Catherine wheels or rockets
Leave the lighting of fireworks to responsible adults only
Don't Break the Law!
It's illegal to let fireworks off between 11pm and 7am, except on Bonfire Night (midnight), Diwali, New Year, and Chinese New Year (1am)
It's illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to possess fireworks in a public place
Fireworks Amnesty
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service are currently running a fireworks amnesty. The aim of the amnesty is to drive down firework related incidents and keep Greater Manchester safe during the Bonfire period. The amnesty allows members of the public wishing to dispose of fireworks to do so safely, by calling 0800 555 815 so that the Fire Service can collect them.
It will also minimise the potential of fireworks returning to streets or being set off in houses causing serious injury or damage to property.