Bonfire Safety

Please consider attending an organised event on Guy Fawkes night rather than risking the safety of yourself, your family and friends by having your own bonfire.

However, if you're determined to go ahead with your own bonfire, for safety's sake follow our advice:

  • Bonfires should be 18 metres from buildings, sheds, trees, fences, overhead cables and car parking areas

  • Only clean dry timber should be burned

  • Don't burn aerosols, batteries, bottles, foam-filled furniture, tins of paint or tyres

  • Bonfires should be no more than three metres in height.  There should be a suitable barrier around the bonfire to keep spectators five metres away

  • Don't leave bonfires unattended

  • Don't use petrol, paraffin, diesel, white spirit or mentholated spirit to light the bonfire - use firelighters instead

  • Don't light the fire if it's windy in case burning embers blow away and start fires

  • Always check that no children or animals are hiding in the bonfire before lighting it

  • Keep some buckets of water nearby in case of emergency and to damp down after the event

  • Always extinguish your bonfire once your party has finished

  • Bonfires built on council land without permission will be removed

  • If you're having a firework display, make sure you light the bonfire afterwards so there's no risk of sparks or heat from the fire setting off the fireworks. Never put fireworks on the fire

Read more tips about firework safety