Licensed Premises

Greater Manchester can rightly boast a wide range of pubs, restaurants and takeaways. If you are a manager or owner of one of there establishments you have an important role to play in ensuring those working and visiting your business are safe.

A fire that closes you down even if only temporarily could make a huge difference to your business, not to mention the potential costs and damage to your reputation if you are found liable or the human cost should someone be killed or seriously injured

Good management of fire safety is essential to ensure that fires are unlikely to occur; that if they do occur they are likely to be controlled or contained quickly, effectively and safely and everyone in your premises is able to escape easily and quickly.

The Fire safety (FS)Order2005 states that the responsible person of every licenced premises should complete a written fire risk assessment.

Cleaning Expectations for Cooking Extractor Hoods and Systems

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service would like to warn you of the fire risks associated with failing to have your extraction ducts cleaned, or adequately maintained to repair any breaks/gaps in the ducts. The build up of flammable fats, dust and grease may prevent ventilation systems from working properly and contribute to the rapid spread of fire.

Most insurance companies require this as a condition of your building insurance policy and your cover may be invalidated if regular maintenance and cleaning of the extraction ducts is not carried out.

Sleeping accommodation in upper floors - fire safety arrangements

There have been a number of recent fires in Greater Manchester in businesses such as fast food outlets, takeaways, cafes and restaurants where upper floors are being used for sleeping accommodation. These fires often result in significant financial loss, with a high risk of injury and even death.

It is particularly important to consider and put in place the right fire safety arrangements to protect not only the lives of you, your family, employees and customers, but also your property and your business.

In many cases it has come to light that people are sleeping in rooms and or flats above businesses, often accessed by a single unprotected staircase from the main public or kitchen area of the building. Often these exit routes are blocked with combustible materials.

Experience has shown that people living on upper floors find it difficult to evacuate quickly and safely in an emergency unless a safe exit route is available.

  • Fit a suitable & sufficient Fire Alarm system to provide early warning of fire.
  • Ensure there is suitable & sufficient fire resistance to prevent spread of fire within the premises.
  • Provide a suitable & sufficient safe escape route.