fire safety high rise

Greater Manchester residents have their say at high rise forum

Last week, the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) hosted a High Rise Resident’s Forum, where residents were invited to share their concerns and experiences following the fire at Grenfell Tower.

The resident’s meeting, held at GMFRS’ Training and Development Centre on Thursday evening (July 11), was hosted by Tony Hunter, GMFRS Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Director of Prevention and Protection.

The meeting was held as an opportunity to discuss the Government’s current Building a Safer Future Consultation and give residents a chance to have their say on the proposal.

Also in attendance were representatives from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, who came along to meet with residents, hear their views and discuss the Government consultation.

Residents, leaseholders and owners discussed topics including; funding and financial concerns, communication issues within buildings and worries around the reliability of contractors.

For those residents who were unable to attend the forum, you can provide your opinions via the GMFRS high rise resident’s survey

Over the coming weeks, GMFRS will be collating resident’s views to be included into the task force response to the Government in time for the deadline on the 31 July.

Information on the High Rise Taskforce can be found on the GMFRS website.

17/07/2019 10:29 AM