high rise fire safety

GMFRS Host High Rise Managing Agents Event

Last week, the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) hosted a High Rise Update Meeting for Housing Providers and Managing Agents at the GMFRS Training and Development Centre.

The meeting, hosted by the GMFRS High Rise team took place last Thursday (3 October) and was attended by 57 housing providers and managing agents, representing a total of 1035 blocks from across Greater Manchester.

The meeting was held as an opportunity to bring together managing agents and housing providers to talk through the recent advice notes released by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, as part of the Building Safety Programme.

GMFRS also discussed topics including managing buildings on interim measures, legal responsibilities, understanding what to expect in the event of an incident, as well as providing a summary of the results from the Greater Manchester High Rise Residents Survey, which was carried out earlier in the year.

Attendees also had a chance to feedback what additional support and guidance from the Government and GMFRS they felt it would be beneficial to receive.

Tony Hunter, Director of Protection said: “Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service is committed to ensuring residents and housing providers are aware and kept up to date with the latest advice issued by the Government. We continue to work hard to ensure all high rise buildings comply with fire safety regulations and people are safe and feel safe in their homes”

“This event was held as an important opportunity to bring housing providers together to discuss the recent Government advice notes, key issues around high rise buildings, and ensure a common understanding of fire safety expectations. We have received some useful feedback and insight from event attendees which we intend to take on-board to help ensure we continue to support and reassure high rise residents.”

GMFRS also hosts a quarterly High Rise Residents Forum on behalf of the Greater Manchester High Rise Task Force to provide residents with an update on the ongoing work that is being done to reassure people living in high rise buildings. The next meeting is on the 22nd October from 6.00pm at GMFRS’ Training and Development Centre, more information can be found on our Eventbrite page.

09/10/2019 12:27 PM