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Firefighters urge residents to celebrate Pesach safely

Greater Manchester’s Jewish communities are being urged to follow simple fire safety advice to keep their households safe this Pesach.

For the second year running, Pesach will not be the same for families because of coronavirus restrictions and people are being urged to not take part in gatherings and make sure they are following the latest guidance and regulations.

With more people likely to be enjoying the holiday at home, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) is reminding people of the simple but important measures to keep each other safe from fire.

A working smoke alarm gives you vital extra time to escape if a fire occurs in your home. Test your smoke alarm today by pressing the button until the alarm sounds. A working smoke alarm should be placed on every floor of your home.

Families are also urged to take extra care with candles and to make sure they are fully extinguished before leaving the room or going to sleep.

Other important safety tips include:

  • Ensure that candles are placed in a sturdy holder away from flammable materials and never leave them unattended, taking extra care if using candles to search for chametz

  • Gas flames should never been hindered, otherwise this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning becoming a real threat to families

  • Take care with electrical appliances, avoid using a hot plate or water heater which has any signs of damage to the cable

Area Manager Ben Levy said: “We would like to wish our Jewish Community ‘Chag Sameach’ – a safe and happy Pesach, but also ask them to make sure they are taking the time to take steps to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from fire.

“Please take the time to read over our fire safety advice and make sure you are following the latest coronavirus guidance and regulations to ensure that everyone enjoys Pesach safely.”

“If a fire does occur in your home get out, stay out and call 999.”

You can find more Pesach safety advice on our website.

25/03/2021 09:19 AM