Firefighters tackle wildfire in Horwich

FIREFIGHTERS from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service have tackled a wildfire in Horwich.

North West Fire Control received calls at round 12.49pm on Friday, April 23, 2021, to reports of a fire involving moorland at Red Moss Nature Reserve, near to Anderton Lane.

Six fire engines from GMFRS were mobilised, with firefighters working through the afternoon to put the fire out.

As the area is a Site of Nature Conservation Interest, firefighters used less water pressure than usual to protect the local wildlife, such as newts.

As of 4pm one fire crew remained in attendance damping down any hot spots in the area.

An investigation has been carried out by GMFRS’ specialist fire investigation officers, who believe the fire was started deliberately.

If you witness illegal activity, report it to Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

For countryside safety information go to the countryside safety section of our website.

Article Published: 23/04/2021 16:44 PM